Assietta Ridge Route (Sestriere - Susa)
Colle delle Finestre 2176m
Basset Bourget Cotte Plane Genevris Blegier Lauson C Assietta page 1 == Finestre 2 page 3
     photos thanks to: Marcel Gutschner     
(Another clearer photo from the same viewpoint as this first one, can be seen at an extra page for this pass, provided by Györgyi Gábor.)

On the north side, the road is a 'break-ing exercise' - first 6 to 7 kilometres are still hard gravelled surface, the remaining 12 kilometres down to Susa at 500 m.a.s.l. are on tarmac but (still) steep and count an almost uncountable number of hairpins and serpentines. The view from the colle is great, further down the wood always hides away almost all of the potential view over the Susa valley and twisty route.

Suggestion: instead of trying to catch a moderate glimpse of non-appearing nice panorama, rather concentrate on the narrow road and other (too fast) users of this road.

With thanks to Marcel Gutschner for all photos and text on this and related pages.